Wednesday, August 27, 2008

In case you were wondering...

Apparently, there is some sort of hurricane brewing in the Gulf of Mexico.  Apparently, this hurricane is named Gustav.  And, apparently, it is supposed to hit land on Monday, which is the 3 year anniversary of Katrina.  It's amazing what information you learn when going to Weather School.

Now, before you all start worrying about me, note that this area has been through this before.  The one thing that worries me is that, after Katrina, everybody who was in charge at Keesler left.  Yes, that's right, we have nobody here who is in charge  who has been through this before.  There are "plans" for what to do in case of  landfall.

1)  Everybody go to a building on base and stay in said building for probably 72 hours.  The civilians get to evacuate.  The military... eh, who cares.

2)  Be sure to bring enough non-perishable items for this 72 hour period as we will not be able to leave said building.

3) If the hurricane is higher than 3, we may evacuate.  This means I am going to be stuck in a long line of cars for a long, long, long time.  

Oh, and it is a 3-day weekend, but we aren't allowed to leave the area, so no getting out early.

Do you feel better now?  I know I do!


susan and sometimes aaron said...

what about making a hole in your roof? shouldn't that be rule four? when the flood waters rise you'll have a route for escape. then when the helicopters fly by you can wave your arm frantically and they can send a boom down to get you. then you'll get on national television for the heroic rescue. then you'll go on a nationwide tour describing your ordeal to all that will listen and then your life will be forever changed. i'd start sawing now!

then i added your blog to mine. ha!

OregonGirl said...

Well, honestly Rose, it shouldnt surprise you one little bit about anything the AF is putting you through. We have been through it before so I should think you would be used to it...
that still sounds scary to me. be careful sis. If anything were to happen to you.....just follow directions (like a good little soldier) and everything should be ok, right?
Love ya. You are in my prayers.

Nate said...

Oh shit!

Unknown said...

Looks like you might be spared. It seems to be going to the west of you. Are they starting evac procedures yet? Stay safe lady!!